Sunday, February 26, 2012

Teaching our Children About Money

In the classroom, I teach prekindergarten children about coin and bill identification.  But as a parent, we must teach children about spending money responsibly.  Actually, I am learning how to do this with the help of my church.  In this economy, I was forced to look at how I spend money in a detailed manner.  I was shocked to find out that I had taken on too much debt and could no longer make all of the payments.  So I had to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  Consequently, I was disappointed in myself.  So I am picking myself up and dusting myself off .  I am learning how to appreciate what God has given me instead of constantly complaining about what I don't have.  I have a job, a roof over my head, transportation to and from work and food to eat.  For this, I am very grateful to God.  God has taken care of me in spite of myself.